This Morning’s Thought Dump— maybe you will find some encouragement or reflection points here for you too♥️
Refocus: seeking intimacy + depth, over a wide spread. Get Sharper. Head into deeper waters with a few things- it’s okay to come back to the rest at a later date.
Set Intentions with God, and About God. Non-negotiables— cause you’ve been doing too much negotiating. And you can feel the affects.
Speak about what I’m learning. Let God work out the rest . I can’t control the perception or reception. But I know I’m to share parts of this journey— so do what you need to do, T.
Don’t let fear or comfort get in the way of getting the help you need. Just send the text, make the call; ask for it.
The intentionality I’ve put into spending time with God this past week+ in the morning has been, so good. So peace-filled. Feeling His love as He meets me in my quiet time, as He meets me in my reading. It has been a calming recharge to my spirit, my mind + emotions. Restful.♥️
Sometimes I don’t think it matters, when it does. Sometimes the effort feels pointless, but it’s not. Remember that, T.
Reminder: Ask for what you want. Make requests boldly, each week. There’s somewhere we are headed- keeping asking, and you will receive.
God is making it beautiful, and purposeful. But it’s up to me to see it that way.
I don’t want anything to be more important to me than you, God. I don’t want my agenda to take priority over what I believe you are nudging me to do or where you are nudging me to go. Or who you are calling me to love on. I always want to yearn + desire you most. Help me.
Loving- but not obsessed. Loving- but detached from the outcome.
A conglomerate of decisions has led me here. And it’s still only the beginning of the story. Be hopeful♥️
I have the choice to be excited about what’s to come. Let’s choose excited anticipation over anxiety today.
G has your back. Remember that.
I love you guys.
I hope you found something in here for you.
Thanks for reading.
Tia Magee